Legacy Sponsors


Create a living, breathing, organic preservation of the history of Saskatoon soccer of past, present and future generations.

Values and Beliefs


Whatever we do, we will pursue the best possible outcomes with our available resources. Anything we do, we desire to be state of the art. The Saskatoon Soccer community deserves excellence.


We do this because we enjoy it. We play because we enjoy it. We collect artifacts, not just from the top goal scorers or the best players, but from everyone who enjoys this sport.


The soccer community in Saskatoon has been built on the shoulders of giants. Builders. Players. Coaches. Referees. Leaders and members of the community who have stories to share.


We are inspired by what happened and what can be.


Celebrate the people that brought the game to Saskatoon. Celebrate the stories, achievements and contributions of all involved.

Current Capital Projects

Showcase Modules

The Legacy team is creating 7 to 8 showcase modules to celebrate the history of soccer in Saskatoon. These modules will be placed in the Saskatoon Soccer Center throughout the building. The modules will be on wheels and can interchange the artifacts bi-annually. Each module will cost between $2,500-$3,000. There is sponsorship exposure opportunities for each module.

We Need You

It is a proud history and substantial heritage that should be shared and celebrated with those who can look back and those looking forward. We will use space at our two soccer centers to showcase Saskatoon’s Soccer Heritage and store our history with best-in-class archives. There will be multiple showcases and we intend to rotate the collections.

Corporate Sponsors

We need corporate sponsors who desire to create the history of Saskatoon soccer known. We also have the opportunity for business exposure if also desired.

Download the sponsorship package here.

Member Sponsors

Member sponsors support the legacy through monthly donations, time towards archiving, artifact donations, public house discussions, and or showcasing the artifacts.

After donating to the project, you will receive a Legacy merchandise item, exclusive quarterly updates of the project, and free entry to the sponsor and member celebratory event.

Volunteer Team

We are always in need of volunteers. We have a clear job description, an easy-to-follow process, and the need for people to help. We would graciously accept if you’d like to offer some time to the project.

As part of the volunteer, you will be invited to the sponsor and member celebratory event at the end of the year.

History Creates Culture.

Thank you to OUr Community Builder Sponsors